To configure assets and other things follow the below steps:
Step 1: You will find all the assets and animations in the assets folder located in the root directory.
Step 2: If you choose to change any image or icon, just replace the existing file with the same name & same resolution.
Step 3: To change the header logo, replace the logo_header.png. But keep the name and resolution the same.
Step 4: Similarly, you can change the other assets (icon, splash, logo etc.)
Step 5: If you’re building an iOS app, please keep in mind that if your app icon has a transparent background, it might give an error while building. If you face this kind of error just go to the asset folder and replace the icon.png file with another icon file that doesn’t have a transparent background.
This video link might help to create proper assets
Step 6: Go to the configuration folder and open the configuration.js file and change your appName property. Also add the currentVersion property.