Map & Location related settings

Map and Location related settings

  1. By default, the map feature is disabled from backend. To enable this feature please follow the instructions from this Link.
    ** Please keep in mind that if you’re using google map, google might charge you for using their features. And your google map api key must not have any restrictions.
  2. By default, the location type is set to local from backend. To change location type to google please follow this link.
  3. For Google map to work properly, enable the following things (Without these, app will not display google map):
    – Enable Maps SDK For Android (For Android)
    – Enable Maps SDK For iOS (For iOS)
    – Enable Maps Javascript API
    – Enable Places API
    – Enable Geocoding Api
    – Enable billing for the associated google account.
  4. If you use google map feature please set your Google Map Api key in app.json file. (This step is very important.)

Open Street Map

For OpenStreet Map, All setup will come from Web. You need to enable settings from backend (Admin Dashboard). No configuration is needed in the app.