You need at least WordPress version 5.0+ installed for this theme to work properly. It is strongly recommended that you always use the latest stable version of Wordpress to ensure all known bugs and security issues are fixed. Other requirements:
Server Requirements:
When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme itself. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways:
Once the theme is uploaded, you need to activate it. Go to Appearance -> Themes and activate your chosen theme.
After that you need to install and activate the following pre-packaged plugins:
N.B: All plugins must be installed and activated if you want your site to look exactly like demo.
To install these plugins, navigate to Appearance -> Install Plugins and start installation.
After installation process completed you have to activate these plugins.
We are providing you two methods for importing demo contents: Automatic and Alternative. You can follow either one of these methods.
Want to build your site like the demo? You can do it by only one click!
** Note: Before proceeding, please remember that when you are done with the demo import, all existing settings and contents will be removed and replaced by the demo contents. So it is highly recommended that you should only do this in fresh site. **
First please make sure that Classima Parent Theme is activated on your site.
From Admin menu, navigate to Tools -> Demo Content Install. Or alternatively, navigate to Plugins -> RT Demo Importer -> Install Demo Contents.
In this page, Click on the Install button for installing the demo.
It will take some time for importing the demo contents.
After importing demo data, please update your permalink. To update permalink, navigate to Settings -> Permalink and then click on Save Settings button.
If you face any issue in demo installation process please check the Troubleshooting Section(15.1) from here
Here's the steps:
If you face any issue in demo installation process please check the Troubleshooting Section(15.1) from here
If the alternative method will not work then import the demo manually.
Here's the steps:
If you face any issue in demo installation process please check the Troubleshooting Section(15.1) from here
We are using plugin Classified Listing Pro here for Listing functionalities, so you can check the plugin documentations and tutorials from the plugin website.
Here's the documentation link: here's a video tutorial:
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Colors tab.
Choose your preferred primary and secondary color from the color palette. Also from here you can change colors for various parts of the site.
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to General tab.
From here you can upload your main logo and light logo. Light logo will be used when "Transparent header" is enabled.
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
Favicon is the little icon which you see at the address bar of your browser.
To set this, from Admin menu navigate to Appearance -> Customize link.
Then navigate to Site Identity
From there you can upload the "Site Icon" which will be used as favicon
For more details, here's the WordPress official instruction link for setting up favicon:
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to General tab
Here you can find the option for enabling/disabling "Preloader" option. Also you can upload your custom preloader image. When uploading image, make sure it's a transparent GIF image.
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to General tab
Here you can find the option for enabling/disabling "Back to Top Arrow" option. Choose your preferred option
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
To change the Header related settings, please go to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Header tab. Following features are available:
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
You can change the typography of Body and Headers. To do this, go to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Typography tab.
After changing the Typography settings, Click on Save Changes button.
From here you can set default layouts for pages, blog, posts etc. You can find this settings on Appearance -> Theme Options and then Layout Defaults tab.
You can override the above settings for individual Posts and Pages as well. When you go to Add New or Edit post/page, you can find similar settings like above under the "Layout Settings" box. If you change any settings from here, this will take priority. If you choose default, settings from the Theme Options -> Layout Defaults (described above) will be used.
Navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Blog Settings tab. From here you can change Blog/Archive related settings.
Navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Post Settings tab. From here you can change settings for single post .
After changing the settings, Click on Save Changes button.
Navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Error Page Settings tab. From here you can change settings for error page.
This theme comes with Advertisement feature, means you can place 3rd party advertisements easily in any pages. We've created several advertisement areas listed below:
To setup this feature, Navigate to Appearance -> Advertisement Options. Here you'll see all Advertisement areas. All you have to do is ativate the advertisements in your preferred available areas.
After that you'll see options like this - you can either put an image with link as advertisement:
Or you can use custom code/shortcodes:
If you want more dynamic advertisement features you can also use any 3rd party advertisement plugins( eg. Advanced Ads ) with this theme. Using those plugins you can create your own advertisement shortcodes and then apply those shortcodes in the image above.
Elementor Page Builder has a lot of built-in widgets by default. But for your convenience we've created several custom Elementor Widgets that you can use in your website and extend website functionality. You can find them under RADIUSTHEME ELEMENTS section on Elementor edit mode.
You can use the following built-in css classes if needed:
We are using plugin "Contact Form 7" for contact functionality. You can see their documentation for better understanding.
If you don't want to go through all the troubles to check their documentation and just want to use the default contact form we provided with this theme, please at least set up the default emails in contact form settings. To do that, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Navigate to Contact Menu, then click on any contact form and go to Mail tab. Here you should set your own email address where you want to receive user submitted forms. Then click on save button.
Step 2: Please submit some dummy forms from Contact page to make sure that it's working properly.
You can translate this theme to another language easily. You have to translate several things for your website to work properly:
There are many tools available for translation. But the easiest way is to use plugin "Loco Translate". Using this plugin, you can literally translate any WordPress themes or plugins if it supports translation.
--- Here's a step by step tutorial about translating any themes and plugins using "Loco Translate":
Step 1: Install and activate plugin "Loco Translate".
Step 2: Select the Theme or Plugin you want to translate from "Loco Translate" menu.
Step 3: Click on New language link.
Step 4: Select your preferred language, and also select your location as "System". Then click on "Start Translating" button.
Step 4: Click on the "Sync" button for the first time. Then start translating strings like the image below.
Here's a quick video tutorial about how to use Loco Translate:
Occationally we provide updates which includes new features and bugfixes. Updating WordPress theme is standard WordPress functionality.
Before Updating Theme:
You can use this plugin to keep the backup:
There are few ways to update WordPress theme. You can follow any of the methods described below:
Method 1: Automatic Update by Using Envato Market Plugin
Here's a quick video tutorial explaining this method:
Method 2: By Uploading zip File
Method 3: By FTP
After Updating Theme:
** After updating the theme please update all plugins which come with the theme.
If you want to make your website fast like the demo, here's some tricks:
If you use WP-Optimize plugin and face unexpected trouble in Login/Registration page, please clear plugin cache and follow the below steps -
This is a hosting issue. In most hostings demo installation will work fine. But some hostings block certain permissions which may cause this issue. If this happens to you, you can contact your hosting provider or alternatively send a support request to and we will help you to fix this.
If you face this type of issue, please update your permalink. To update permalink, navigate to Settings -> Permalink and then click on Save Settings button.
If you face any issue please contact us at We provide 15 hours real-time support for our customers.
Thank you for purchasing our theme.
4.7| Socials
From Admin menu, navigate to Appearance -> Theme Options. Then go to Contact & Socials tab. These information will show up on top bar.
After changing the settings please click on Save Changes button.