This documentation is based on the PRO version so additional features are PRO features.

To Generate a shortcode first give the name of the shortcode now you need to fill in the necessary information in this tab.

1.1) Layout Type: Select the layout type Grid/ Slider or Filter(Pro)

1.2) Layout Style: Now select the style of the layout [Additional layouts for Pro]

1.3) Column Control: You can set how many will display per row in Desktop, Tab or Mobile.

1.4) Pagination: You can enable pagination or disable pagination.

1.6) Display per page: You can set how many items show per page.

1.7) Load More Text: You can set your custom text for load more.

1.8) Image Size: You can set profile image size from pre-define image size.

1.9) Read More Button Text: You can add custom text for read more button.

1.10) Image Shape: You can select a rounded image or square image for user profile image

1.11) Testimonial Limit [PRO]: You can set how many characters will display.

1.12) Margin: You can set Bootstrap default 30px or no margin

1.13) Grid Style [PRO]: You can set Even or Masonry Grid style

1.14) Detail Page link [PRO]: You can set a detail page link or no link

1.15) Default profile image [PRO]: You can set a default profile image if no profile image then it will show.