Step by Step Instruction how to install and configure TLP Portfolio PRO for WordPress 

Step 1: First download the TLP Portfolio Pro from you purchase email download link or login from top menu then go to purchase history.


Step 2: After Installation Active the Plugin then you will get Left Sidebar menu for TLP Portfolio PRO


Step 3: Now Go to Settings Menu to setup general configuration.


Here is Settings of General Tab

3.1) Slug:

By default slug is portfolio if you want you can change it. Slug use for permalink.

3.2) Settings Detail page field control: 

You can show/ hide detail or popup page fields from here.

3.3) Others.

You can write Custom Css here

Step 4: Add Category


Step 5: Add Tools


Step 6: Add Tags


Step 7: Add Portfolio Item

7.1) Title field: Add Portfolio title here

7.2) Short Description: Add Short Description here you can control its limit from ShortCode Generator.

7.3) Client Name: You can add Client name or keep empty.

7.4) Completed Date: You can add date or keep empty.

7.5) Project url: You can add Live url here.

7.6) Related Project: Add related project here or keep empty.

7.7) Gallery Image: Add additional image here for detail/ popup page gallery.

7.8) Category: Add New Category or select from existing category.

7.9) Tags: Add New Tag or select from existing Tags

7.10) Tools: Add New Tools pr select from existing Tools

7.11) Order: You can order from here or in list view drag & drop also.

7.12) Image: This is the main portfolio image it will show in list view page and first of gallery image.


List View admin end

Step 8: Now go to ShortCode Generator to use the portfolios

8.1) General Settings

First enter a name of your ShortCode

8.1.1) Layout: Select the layout which one you like total 15 layouts included.

8.1.2) Display Control: You can set how many display per row in Desktop, Tab and Mobile devices.

8.1.3) Pagination: Check if want to enable Pagination.

8.1.4) Display Per Page: You can set how many show per page.

8.1.5) Pagination Type: From 4 types of pagination you can select which one you like. For Load More you can change text also.

8.1.6) Load more Button Text: You can change your own text here.

8.1.7) Image Size: From dropdown you can select the image size or can set custom image size.

8.1.8) Short Description Limit: You can set Short Description limit how many character will show.

8.1.9) Margin: Select Bootstrap Default Margin(30 px) or no Margin

8.1.10) Grid Type: Even or Masonry

8.1.11) Detail Page Link: You can enable detail page link

8.1.12) Detail Page Link Type: You can set link type popup with next preview, Normal link or External link

8.2) Filtering 

8.2.1) Include Only: You can set ID by comma like 1,2,3

8.2.2) Exclude: If you want to exclude specific item then add that id here.

8.2.3) Limit: You can set how many want to display.

8.2.4) Categories: You can set categories here or keep blank for all categories.

8.2.5) Tags: You can set Tags here or keep blank for all Tags.

8.2.6) Tools: You can set Tools here or keep blank for all.

8.2.7) Taxonomy Relation: You can relation here.

8.2.8) Order By: Name, Id, Date & Random.

8.2.9) Order: Asending or Descending

8.3) Field Selection 

You can select which field(s) will show in List view page

8.4) Styling:

8.4.1) Parent Class: You can set your own class for the grid view

8.1.2) Select Primary color it is the based color of the theme or logo.

8.1.3) Button Color: You can set button background color, background hover color,background active color and button text color

8.1.4) Gutter/ Padding: You can set Gutter ie padding of each item.

8.1.5) Overlay color: You can set overlay color

8.4.6) Overlay Opacity: You can set overlay opacity from here.

8.4.7) Overlay Top Padding: You can set overlay top padding from here

8.4.8) Name, Short Description and others: You can change font color, font size, font weight and Alignment.

Step 9: Carousel Slider Layout:

Select the “Carousel” from the layout dropdown then see its property come set that as you want

10) Set Isotope Layout:

11) Taxonomy Ordering:

Step 11: Add into page/post

See the Visual Editor bar the “Portfolio icon” will show click on that icon then a popup box will show select the shortcode from the dropdown list then click ok.


12) Active License

Go to Settings => Plugin License

Then enter your license key and click save after save refresh the page now Activate License Button will enable now click on the Activate License button.


Note: To Update from V 1.0 to V 2.0 No Data will lost but Shortcode need to Re-generate cause we did major improvement of Coding structor.

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