Here is the step by step instructions how to setup and configure TLP Portfolio FREE version for WordPress. We did new update in 2.7 added new shortcode generator & layout preview option.

Step 1: First Install “TLP Portfolio” you can install 3 ways

  1. Go to WordPress Admin then add new plugin => Then Search “TLP Portfolio” and install

Search TLP Portfolio plugin

2) You can download from then Install & Active

3) Or download from then unzip and upload into plugin directory via FTP .

Step 2: Active the “TLP Portfolio” plugin

Active TLP Portfolio

Step 3: Settings First go to Settings menu


Now set your proper settings:

  1. Primary Color & Image Size: From V 2.7 we move this settings in shortcode Generator
  2. Slug: Set slug or keep as default
  3. Link to detail page: From V 2.7 we move this settings in shortcode Generator
  4. Custom CSS:  Now custom CSS can write in WordPress Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS

portfolio setting

Step 4: Add Category


Step 5: Add Portfolio item


Step 6: Portfolio Admin view

all portfolios admin view

ShortCode Generator (V 2.7):

1) Layout Tab:

1.1) Layout: Select Layout from dropdown.

1.2) Column: Select how many columns you want for Desktop, Tab & Mobile.

1.3) Pagination: Check the box to enable pagination.

1.4) Image Size: You can select your desier image size.

1.5) Disable Image: Check this box to hide image

1.6) Short Description Limit: You can set Excerpt limit if not set will show full excerpt.

1.7) Detail Page Link: Check to Enable detail page link.

1.8) Detail Page Link Type: Set link type.

1.9) Disable Equal Height: Disable Edual height of Grid.

1.10) Layout Preview: You can see how the preview look.

Portfolio shortcode generator layout

2) Filtering

2.1) Include Only: Add post ID by comma which post want to include.

2.2) Exclude: Add post ID by comma which post want to exclude.

2.3) Limit: You can set limit how many post you want to display.

2.4) Categories: You can select which category want to display.

2.5) Tags: You can select which tags want to display.

2.6) Taxonomy Relation: You can set relation with category & tags.

2.7) Order By: Set order by

2.8) Order: Set order

portfolio shortcode generator filter

3) Styling

3.1) Parent Class: you can set your class to write own CSS.

3.2) Primary Color: You can set Primary color

3.3) Overlay Color: You can set Overlay color of image

3.4) Button Color: You can set button background color, hover color, active color & text color.

3.5) Portfolio Title: You can set portfolio title color, font size, weight & alignment.

3.6) Short Description: You can set short description title color, font size, weight & alignment.

portfolio shortcode generator style

How to use:

Gutenberg Editor:

Now select the shortcode from right Block

select shortcode

Another way Just copy the Shortcode and use into Text Editor

copy shortcode to use Editor


Isotope Layout

From Layout Selection select Isotope Layout then from style Tab set the button colors and others color as your theme color match.

Portfolio Isotope Layout

Widget Settings:

Set your proper settings how many you want per slide, how many total and others setting then click save.


Widget Slider View


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Please Take a Look of PRO version features

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