Gym Edge – Gym Fitness WordPress Theme



Last updated:

1 June, 2019


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Wordpress 4+

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GymEdge – Gym Fitness WordPress Theme

GymEdge is a superior gym fitness WordPress theme with countless functional and beautiful features. It is perfect for gym fitness establishments as well as personal and yoga trainers. We have crafted this theme to give you an advantage over your peers as you sell your services efficiently and effectively.

Page Variety

Creating pages is not an easy task. To save you from having to fidget with your site trying to create pages from scratch, GymEdge includes 2 unique homepages, half of which are one-page demos and the rest multi-page demos. A single click is enough to install any of these homepages, using the One-Click Demo Importer.

This gym fitness WordPress theme has many inner page layouts too. Among them are the 5 class layouts (with grid and slider variations), 5 trainer layouts (with grid and slider), and 3 schedule layouts. The class schedule layouts have the options for a table-based routine, schedule by day, or schedule by class.

Responsive and Mobile Friendly

Your visitors will want to reach your website using a range of different devices. So that your site morphs to accommodate different sizes and orientations of screens, we’ve made sure that this theme is 100% responsive. Furthermore, a large portion of internet users uses handheld devices. This gym fitness WordPress theme is mobile-friendly so that it incorporates these users.

Value for Money

GymEdge offers you countless page builders that would otherwise have made you spend money to purchase. The included WPBakery Page Builder is worth $45 while the Layer Slider is worth $26. On the other hand, the WP Logo Showcase costs $16.

Added Functionality via Plugins

Editing pages could be hectic. This gym fitness WordPress theme brings you the most popular page builder plugin on WordPress – WPBakery Page Builder to make your work easier. You can use it to drag and drop blocks onto where you want them. The plugin eliminates the need for coding experience.

The Layer Slider allows you to create eye-catching sliders on which you can showcase before and after images, among others. This way, you can attract more visitors to buy your services. You also improve the overall appearance of your site.

The WP Logo Showcase facilitates the display of your logos in a unique and catchy way. You can show not only the logo of your establishment but also those of your sponsors.

Gym Edge Features

  • Fully Responsive & Mobile friendly.
  • 06 Home Pages (Multi Pages).
  • 06 Home Pages (One Pages).
  • 05 Class Layouts (Grid & Slider).
  • 03 Class Schedule Layouts (Table Base Routine, Schedule by Day & Schedule by Class).
  • Upcoming Class Schedule.
  • 05 Trainers Layouts (Grid & Slider).
  • 05 Trainers Layouts (Grid & Slider).
  • Drag & Drop Page Builder included – Visual Composer ($34)
  • Powerful Premium Slider included – Layer Slider ($20)
  • WP Logo Showcase ($16)
  • Responsive & Mobile Friendly.
  • Clean & SEO Friendly Coding structure.
  • Unlimited Color Combinations.
  • Customizer Included so you can change read time of theme option
  • Powerful Admin Panel by Redux
  • Dynamic Page Header
  • Clean, Trending and Modern Design.
  • Free Lifetime updates!
  • One Click Demo Importer (10 Home Pages)
  • Child Theme Included.
  • Supports all modern browsers Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE11+.
  • WPML Translation Ready ( also pot file included)
  • Google Web Font
  • Detail Documentation Included.
  • Video Tutorial Included.
  • Fast & Quick Support (15 hrs online by Live Chat, Email & Skype).

Gym Fitness WordPress Theme

Fully Responsive & Mobile Friendly

Gym edge is full responsive & mobile friendly WordPress Theme. It is based on Bootstrap 3.6. It is perfect look on Dekstop, Tab & Mobile Devices.

Total 10 Home Page Layouts

Gym edge comes with total 10 layouts. Here 05 Multi Pages & 05 One pages. All pages are full responsive & mobile friendly and perfect look on Desktop, Tab & Mobile Devices.

Gym Fitness WordPress Theme

Gym Fitness WordPress Theme

#1 Drag & Drop Page Builder
WPBakery Page Builder

Gym edge is based on Visual Composer. #1 drag & drop Page builder plugin for WordPress. You can build page/ post layout by drag & drop also can arrange any section up or down where you want. Front end & Back end both option available.

BIM Calculations

Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Gym Edge has BIM calculator included so gym user can easily calculate there BIM.

BIM Calculation Gym

schedule table gym fitness theme

3 Different Class Schedules

Gym edge has 3 different class schedules. Table base Routine Layout, Schedule by Day & Schedule by Class. So you can chose your best selection which layout you want to use.

Upcoming Class Schedule

Gym Edge has upcoming class schedule option. It is a Visual Composer addon to display your upcoming class schedule. Based on your Time zone settings on WordPresss settings it will display your upcoming class.

upcoming class schedule gym

gym trainer

5 Different Trainers Layout

Gym edge has 5 different Trainer Layouts Grid & Sliders . So you can chose your best selection which layout you want to use.

4 Different Header Style

Gym Edge has 4 different header style. So you can select which header style you like.

gym edge header layouts

gym edge theme option

Powerful Theme option
Customer Support

Gym edge included detail theme option for global settings also for individual page/post settings. You can control almost everything from theme option and Visual Composer addon settings. You can control site main color and Header style also each page or post header or archive page header from Theme option.

20+ Custom Visual Composer Addons
with 40+ Different Layout Style

Gym Edge has 20+ custom Visual Composer addons and each addone has different layout option. So you can select which layout you want and arrange your page.

gym edge custom WP Bakery Page Builder addon

one click demo import radiustheme

One Click Demo Importer

Gym edge included One Click Demo Importer all 10 Home pages are included just click which Home page demo data you want to install. In few sec you will get all data install as like demo site.