This documentation is based on the PRO version so additional features are PRO features.
1.1) Post Type: First Select Post type “Post or Page”
Common Filters:
1.2) Include Only: You can input specific post/page ID that you want to include.
1.3) Exclude: You can input a specific post/ page ID that you want to exclude.
1.4) Limit: Set how many items you want to display.
1.5) Offset: Based on your query it will exclude the no of items
Advance Filter: you can check with way you want to filter your post.
1.6) Taxonomy: All Taxonomy will show here.
1.7) Category: Depends on your selection you can select the terms like check category then you can select specific categories or categories Same for other terms like tags
1.8) Operation: You can set a relation with the terms.
1.9.) Order Settings: You can set order by title, create date, modified data etc..
1.10) Order: You can set Ascending or Descending order
1.11) Author: You can set a specific Author or skip this.
1.12) Status: You can select which status you want.
1.13) Search Keyword: You set a special keyword or keep it blank.
1.14) Date Range [Pro]: You can set two specific date start and end dates to filter data.
1.15) Show Sticky Post at Top [Pro]: You can enable this setting to show sticky posts at top of the list.