Create Front-end Filter

It’s not any layout, rather it’s a feature for The Post Grid Addons. But this feature doesn’t work for TPG – Slider Layout addon.

First, you have to enable all filter options from [Content > Filter].

Filter settings:

  • If you want to show Categories or Tags (taxonomy) in your filter then you have to check the Taxonomy Filter button from Filter.
  • Check the Author button if you would like to display the author in the filter.
  • Check the Order By Filter if you would like to display the post order by feature in the filter.
  • Check the Sort Order Filter if you would like to display it in the filter.
  • Check the Search Filter if you would like to display the search form in the filter.

1) Dropdown Filter (Default Filter):

If you keep the default setting from the filter then the front-end view will be like the below image-

2) Button Filter:

Select Button from Filter Type select box for Button style. Please see the screenshot-

If you do not choose some categories from [Query Build > Advanced Filter > By Categories ] then all categories will display in the filter wrapper. But the layout does not look good. So you have to choose some categories from Query Build for the best view. Let’s choose some categories from Query Builder and see the result.

Now It’s looking more professional than before.

3) Collapsable Filter:

If you would like to make a collapsable filter then first, you have to choose [ Filter Type = Button and Filter Style = Collapsable ] from [ Content > Filter]

