Advanced Settings

To set Archive page permalink and page end point to to Classified Listing => Settings => Advanced

  1. Permalink Slugs
  2. Default Page Setup
  3. Account End Points
  4. Checkout End Points

Permalink Slugs

Permalink settings

9.1) Permalink: To change the Listing based URL, Category based URL & location based URL add your own slug here. Make sure after changing any slug re-set Permalink from the WordPress Settings

Page Setup

You can to set or change pre-defined pages from here. After the plugin is setup, necessary pages are created.

  1. Listings Page: Set the listings page; this is the main listings & category archive page. Make sure this page remains empty, no shortcode is needed.
  2. Listing form Page: Set the Listing submission form page. Make sure this page has a shortcode [rtcl_listing_form]. Without this shortcode, the listing submission page will not work.
  3. My account: Set Myaccount page. Make sure this page has a shortcode [rtcl_my_account]. Without this shortcode, my account page will not work.
  4. Checkout Page: Set check out page. Make sure this page has a shortcode [rtcl_checkout]. Without this shortcode, the checkout page will not work.
  5. Compare Page [PRO]: Set a blank page for comparing no need any shortcode.
  6. Store Page [PRO]: Set a blank page for store listing no need any shortcode.

Account End Point

You can control all account page-related endpoints. You can change your site language from here. Make sure don’t use spaces. Use: “-“

account end points

CheckOut End Points

You can control all check page related endpoints. You can change your own language. Make sure you don’t use space. Rather, use: “-“